1-Which fly line should I get if I'm fishing for trout?
RIO Gold
RIO Elite Sub-Surface Camolux
2-I'm confused why there are so many different line weights, colors, and pricing?
- Line weights correspond to fly rod weights
- Match fly rod weight to fly line weight
- 5 wt fly rod 5 vt line
- Don't worry about color
- Think lower number smaller the fish
- 3 wt small trout 12 wt big ocean fish
- The Avid Gold is a great line if you are just getting into fly fishing.
3-When should I fish a floating line?
- Think floating line when fishing rivers or dry flies
- Sinking lines for lakes or fishing streamers or critters than live below the
4-What about knots and line care?
-Check out our other videos about line care!