I sure hope I'm not the only one who was once like in the dark about hatches for a long time. Haha. Anyways, what is a hatch? "Fly fishermen, however, use the term “hatch” to describe the moment when adult insects pop up on the water’s surface and fly off. This occurs after they emerge from a nymph or pupa rather than an egg. The term “emergence” is also commonly used to describe that event. Among fly fishers, hatch and emergence are used interchangeably." (Rick, Hafele, 2019) The hatches depend on the following:
1. Time of year & Day
2. Weather conditions
3. Geographic location
We have curated a hatch chart for you to use. Hopefully it helps understand how hatches play into flies.
**This chart doesn't include every type of fly you use, but it includes most.