Casting Performance: A clean fly line allows for smoother and more efficient casting. Dirt, debris, and accumulated grime on the line can create friction, hindering the line's ability to shoot through the guides and reducing casting distance and accuracy.
Floatation: Fly lines are designed to float, and any contaminants on the surface can compromise their ability to stay buoyant. Regular cleaning helps maintain the line's natural buoyancy, allowing it to sit properly on the water and improving the presentation of your flies.
Durability: Cleaning your fly line helps extend its lifespan. Dirt and debris can act like abrasives, causing wear and tear on the line. Regular maintenance helps prevent premature aging and cracking, ensuring your line lasts longer.
Knot Strength: A clean fly line reduces friction when passing through the guides and making contact with the rod. This minimizes the chance of abrasion and damage to the line, preserving its knot strength. Weakened knots can lead to lost fish.
Sensitivity: A clean fly line is more sensitive, allowing you to detect subtle strikes or changes in the underwater environment. Dirty lines may dampen your ability to feel these nuances, affecting your overall fishing experience.
Line Memory: Some fly lines have memory, meaning they tend to retain the shape of the coil from the spool. Cleaning the line and stretching it helps eliminate memory coils, resulting in better line management and casting performance.
Lubrication: Fly lines often come with built-in coatings or additives that improve casting and increase their lifespan. Cleaning the line helps maintain these properties, providing better line management and overall performance on the water.